Correct, My father, already being a Veteran, again was martyred for the cause in an American Hospital, being held captive, and sacrificing his life, by no choice of his own. Justice shall be served!

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There should be a Memorial for each who died and all the names of those who suffered greatly before they died. It should be erected next to the pentagon so those responsible can see it every day.

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I'm sorry to say that the article would be so much better without all the typographical errors.

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That’s absolutely a ridiculous comment! This is an excellent article! Obviously you’ve not endured what so many have, otherwise you would understand!

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I didn't say it was bad. I said that the article would be so much better without all the typographical errors. And as I type this I'm in excruciating pain from a "slipped disc" but I can still check what I write before publishing it to the world.

I am always reminded of the 1983 words of a brilliant American, born in Russia - Isaac Asimov:-

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’“

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Jul 3
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Agree Tim. The Monster never stops. Next round coming. Appreciate all you do to wake up people.

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Jul 3
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If you haven't seen the reports from the Milgram Experiments they are worth your time. There are even videos on YouTube. So many people blindly do what they are told by what they perceive to be authority figures. Add to that when would anyone expect that their doctors/nurses/hospitals would do them harm? When would anyone expect that there would be a bounty on your head, worth more dead than alive?

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Jul 3Edited

Because those of us who use the discernment God gave all of us, and use it, understood there were serious dangers and the covid scam was just that!!! People bought into the fear and listened to the talking heads!!!! We figured it out immediately, we have had flu viruses every bit as bad as they said covid was except people didn’t run to hospitals! No one should ever go to a hospital for a virus period!! There are protocols to use that will protect people, but too many hang on the word of these criminals! Plus God’s immunity is best, but most people ignore all that now as well!!! So now that they are ramping up another plandemic because we have another election to steal, need to get Ivermectin, HCQ, get on vitamin c, vitamin D, NAC, Zinc, Quercetin, and other power house antioxidants. If you start using Quercetin then don’t taken the Ivermectin with it. Quercetin and Zinc acts the same as Ivermectin. Get nebulizers to keep at home for peolple more susceptible to these viruses. I also bought an oxygen concentrator for home. Speak to your doctor about having a prescription for a z pack on hand and fill it. So start preparing now and don’t ever let them kill off so many people again!!! Stop all vaccines and speak to those who may be mandated because of their jobs!! That’s where a lot of people got the kill shots and these employers need prosecuted!!! Speak out to your legislators if they refuse to address it and it’s time everyone gets serious about what has happened!!

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Yes, trust the Lord for all things. The Creator is amazing and designed our bodies perfectly. Man will do his best to improve upon Gods perfection. Don’t fall for all the IVM/HVQ op as well (I did in the early days of this war). —or those dangerous germs that are sentient and know when to strike.

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