Exposing the Deadly Consequences of Government-Mandated Medical Practices
Heidi Bond lost her best friend, Guadalupe “Lupe” Espinoza in Clovis Community Hospital, Clovis, CA on 9/28/21 due to the deadly government incentivized hospital protocols, Lupe was only 48 years old. Since then Heidi has been fighting a very public uphill battle in her home town to try to warn her community about these lethal treatments, but are protected by the Federal PREP Act, giving the hospital and doctors immunity from liability. Several times a week she and other people who have lost loved ones stand on the sidewalk at the hospital with signs trying to get the word out.
Heidi is a pioneering member of the FormerFedsGroup-supported COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project Street Teams initiative, and runs the @CACHBMP account on X.
Below is her speech to the CFC Constitutionalists for California, Clovis Chapter meeting, held on 6/20/24. Please watch and share to help raise awareness.
I am going to tell you a story about my best friend.
As I’m telling it, as difficult as it may be, please try to picture your best friend or a family member going through exactly what I describe.
My best friend was transported by ambulance to Clovis Community Hospital in Clovis, California because she was having difficulty breathing. Upon arrival they learned that she was not vaccinated and the discrimination began. She was put in a room and isolated. They performed a PCR test for COVID and the results came back positive. The use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, therapeutics know to heal, were denied and she was instead put on the first of three doses of the toxic and deadly drug remdesivir, without informed consent. Her family was unable to visit or advocate for her. She was restrained, dehumanized, put on a ventilator, and the damage to her body was so extreme that she bled from her eyes. She was administered high levels of fentanyl, morphine and other toxic drugs. After 57 days of fighting for her life she was discharged into the morgue. Are you mad yet? Well, I have been mad as hell for nearly three years and the journey I’ve been on to be a voice for my best friend is what lead me to be here in front of you today.
Across our nation millions of lives have been devastated due to the mandated, and government incentivized, hospital COVID protocol. Even worse, the devastation is intentional, and being covered up by a corrupt medical system, the media and our own government. It is an evil depopulation agenda that is targeting the entire western world. This death protocol, implemented by the HHS, CDC, FDA, and NIH, is being pushed by administrators in all hospitals across America. What is the motivation for hospitals to implement these genocidal protocols? Who benefits from such medical tyranny? Money has been a huge motivator for carrying out this evil agenda. Hospitals received federal bonus payments for a free required PCR test in the emergency room and an added payment for each positive diagnosis. A bonus is paid for a COVID admission into the hospital. Add to that an additional twenty percent bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for the use of remdesivir. And if that wasn’t enough, add another larger bonus payment if the COVID patient is ventilated. And to top it all off, a final bonus is paid if the cause of death is listed as COVID. A COVID death diagnosis also provides extra payments to the coroner.
You are probably wondering, how are they killing people? Remdesivir, also referred to as “run, death is near” by doctors and nurses throughout the United States, is still the only COVID drug approved for use in all hospitals. Remdesivir causes severe organ damage and death.
On December 12th 2019, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study on remdesivir used in Ebola trials that should have resulted in a permanent ban of the use the drug. Of the four drugs used in the trial conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo, remdesivir had the worst outcome with a 53% death rate, higher that the death rate of the Ebola virus. Remdesivir was deemed to be so dangerous that it was pulled from the study on August 9th, 2019. Why is remdesivir the only FDA approved drug required for use in all hospitals across the nation? Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended against the use of remdesivir in 2020, yet the FDA even approved remdesivir for use on children and babies 6 pounds and up. Both hospitalized and outpatient children may receive it. Remdesivir causes acute kidney failure, liver failure, and the accumulation of water in the lungs called pulmonary edema. It kills!
The Former Feds Group Freedom Foundation is a national organization and the parent organization to the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project (CHBMP.org). CHBMP’S primary mandate is to provide a platform for stories to be told of the atrocities waged on our loved ones through the deadly hospital protocols and use of remdesivir. They seek to bring awareness to what has been done and is still being done to so many, with the end goal to stop these harmful policies and protocols. The world must understand the extent of the COVID related crimes against humanity. The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project has collected over a thousand stories from across the nation, including many here locally, and the number of stories grows daily.
There are 25 Commonalities that have been recognized in almost every protocol story in every state.
Isolation of the victim. All family members are pulled away and banned from the hospital.
Strict adherents to the protocols set by the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
Denied alternative treatments, no hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, or budesonide
Denied informed consent
Gaslighting: the victim and the family are consistently told that the victim will die because they are unvaccinated.
Removal of communication devices (this includes call lights for the nurses, reading glasses, and cell phones.)
Dehumanization: they were left stark naked, no underwear, no sheet. Left unattended and forced to urinate and defecate on themselves repeatedly.
Pervasive sense of wrongdoing: Family members and victims all had the feeling something was wrong.
Vaccination discrimination: based on vaccine status they were mocked verbally and sometimes physically abused.
Rapid oxygen increase: Oxygen supplementation increased quickly, causing lung complications and damage leading to mechanical ventilation.
Refusal to communicate: Doctors, nurses, and hospital administration refusing to communicate with families.
Dehydration and starvation: They denied victims food and water
Restraint abuse: Physical restraint and/or chemical restraints used
Denial of bathroom use
Non-emergency ventilation: The victim and the family are told that it’s just to give the lungs a rest.
Pressure to sign DNR: Doctors even sometimes falsified the DNR order
Palliative Care pressure: Palliative Care means death by medication
Isolation even in death: family denied access to identify body
Police or security involvement is used to keep the victim isolated, with families threatened with arrest.
Refusal of transfer to another hospital
Infections and injuries
Neglect and the lack of basic care.
Nighttime emergencies: Family woken up to make and pressured to make instant life and death choices with little information.
Perception of evil: Victims state the hospital staff is torturing them or going to kill them. Every survivor tells us the same thing. There was one incident where a teen texted his friends saying “they’re going to kill me in here.”
Unqualified staff: This has been proven through a FBI investigation called Operation Nightingale.
How do Big Pharma, HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, our government, hospitals, doctors, nurses and pharmacists get away with the killing of over 1 million people to date in the USA? Through the Prep Act, Cares Act, and the Cures Act. The Prep Act gave total immunity, the Cares act gave the money, and the Cures Act gave the FDA and Big Pharma legal cover to fast track these deadly protocols and the shots. The Cures Act also allows for experiments to be conducted on human subjects. The reason why I am speaking to you tonight is to convey the knowledge and information you need to protect your loved ones. If you think your loved one died of COVID in the hospital, think again. Read the 25 commonalities. Did they receive remdesivir, morphine, fentanyl, baricitinib, midazolam, or other toxic drugs? Obtain your medical records. View the hundreds of archived testimonies on the COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project’s website (chbmp.org) and please share them everywhere. If you have a story, be brave, stand up, and tell your story.
Learn more about Heidi’s story here.
Heidi provided links to support her research if you would like more details:
Read more about The 25 Commonalities:
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There should be a Memorial for each who died and all the names of those who suffered greatly before they died. It should be erected next to the pentagon so those responsible can see it every day.