I have to admit that I read this article with a growing sense of rage. Although Professor Oster admitted that she and her family may have overstepped the bounds of sensibility in the beginning of the pandemic, I will agree that we didn’t know. Yes, I wore latex gloves in the grocery store, wiping down my car door handle, steering wheel, etc. upon getting in “just in case”. Wiping down my groceries on my front porch, again being careful not to touch the door handle before disposing of the gloves. Then my common sense from being raised on a farm kicked in. After that the only time I wore a mask was to appease someone else, doctor, retailer, etc. We stopped eating out until restaurants stopped being asinine about disease spreading only when you are walking. Thank goodness we lived in rural TN, everyone figured it out pretty quick. That’s as close as we are to having something in common on the subject.
Schools got their act together in the “country”, although the masking was still in place it didn’t last as long as in the cities. Children from urban centers, regardless of state, are terribly stunted in terms of their education because of these masks. Particularly children who struggle with learning in the conventional sense or children who started school at the beginning of the pandemic. Their perception of word formation as well as the honest understanding of emotion and understanding of their friends and teachers was totally “masked”. The teacher’s unions turned this into a political football and were bound and determined to win the Super Bowl of demands with it.
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The next topic that caught my attention was related to vaccines, but I am saving that to go with my main complaint when considering “amnesty”, I will address that shortly.
Professor Oster alluded to the health community having to correct the misconception that “injecting bleach” was a legitimate suggestion. For the record, I was listening to those comments in live time. Anyone that took that suggestion seriously was watching the wrong news cast. There was never any doubt in my mind what was said, implied or suggested. What became obvious was that the news media inserted meaning that wasn’t there and rode that horse until it couldn’t run anymore. There is a reason why a recent poll by the New York Times/Siena College found that the 60 percent of registered voters consider the mainstream media a threat to American democracy. Their censoring and squashing of debate regarding potential treatments for Covid was deadly and in my opinion played a major roll in the mass casualties in our hospitals.
The very brief mention of learning from history was rich. Really? Let us visit that topic. After listening to multiple interviews with Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor, it became vividly plain to me that the Nazi’s set the stage for Covid. If you haven’t heard her speak, please look her up. The major takeaway is that the freight cars to the Death Camps wasn’t the beginning of the cleansing of Germany. That started many years before with the experimentation ending in death at the hands of doctors in the hospitals. Of Germans. Disabled, elderly, orphans and mentally challenged Germans were brought to hospitals to “help” them, all of them died. These people were a drag on the economy of Germany, taking up too many resources, why not learn more about the human body and spirit by using them as test cases for every hellish experiment possible? Why did the nurses and doctors participate? Psychologically some probably didn’t handle it well, but when convinced that they were doing the work of science, protecting the Mother Land, whatever the agenda of the government was pushing, they participated and it set the stage.
Why do I bring up the beginning of the Holocaust? Because Professor Oster has suggested that we need to offer Covid Amnesty to each other. Now we can get to the Hospital Holocaust that was mandated by the 3 letter agencies of the American government, participated in by multiple industrialized governments, both hidden and encouraged by our main stream media and social media and carried out by the health professionals of hospitals in multiple countries. You see during World War 2 the Jews had someone to come save them. This is a world wide Holocaust, there is no one coming to save you.
Never in history has a patient gotten sick only to be told to go home, isolate and come back when you can’t breath. Eventually some were offered pediatric doses of steroids, just enough to make the patient feel like they were taking medications, not knowing that it was the wrong drug, at the wrong dose and was pretty much useless.
Never in history has a doctor made a diagnosis and then not been able to advise or treat that patient with their experience, knowledge or training. During this event, with this potentially deadly virus, the computer at the hospital told the doctor to use ONLY this drug, for this long. When it made the patient deathly ill due to organ failure, the doctor was “allowed” to use a ventilator to prolong the patient’s life. Yes, some survived, but most doctors admit that approximately 90 percent didn’t. But because the computer told them what to use, even though it is still in practice more than 30 months into the pandemic and not working, the doctors are REQUIRED to continue this protocol because the corporate hospital system is locked into this practice by inventory and billing software that won’t allow any deviation.
Keep in mind that patients were alone, there was no advocacy, because the hospitals could keep out the pesky parents, spouses, siblings and children who would question: “Why is my Mom being given sedatives that depress her breathing? “, “Why have you tied my Dad’s hands to the bed rails?”, “Why has my husband been waiting for 2 hours for help to the bathroom?”, “Why has my brother not been fed in the last 3 days?”, “Why has my daughter not been given any water in 2 days?”, “Why did food service bring a meal to my wife’s room and leave the tray across the room while her hands are tied down?”, “Why is my sister’s cell phone in a drawer, across the room, under her clothes when she had it 2 days ago?”.
Advocates get in the way other ways, too. Can we get Vitamin C? No, it’s not in the protocol. Can we get Vitamin D? No, it’s not in the protocol. There is a doctor using antihistamines in Africa, can we use them? No, it’s not in the protocol. There are doctors using Metoprolol, can we…? No, it’s not in the protocol. Can we use Budesonide? No, it’s not in the protocol. Don’t ask for Ivermectin, it’s only 40 odd years old and we can’t read up on it and see the studies ourselves, but it’s not in the protocol. Don’t ask for Hydroxychloroquine, it’s only been in use for 60 years, it can’t be trusted and it’s not in the protocol.
But we can use every sedative in the book, Lorazepam, Ativan, Midazolam, Precedex, Propofol, Fentanyl, Morphine…but he’s not in pain…it calms them down, we use it all the time. But it depresses breathing and he’s already struggling…it’s all we have.
Considering that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was rewriting repeatedly the policies for patient care during the pandemic, two things stand out. The Patient’s Bill of Rights was waived, completely. Relatives and friends that argued that they had Medical Power of Attorney rights were laughed at and ignored. Another waiver was given to allow health care workers the right to “warehouse” the patients, close the door, care for other patients, ignore call buzzers, etc. for up to 48 hours. Bathroom? Sorry, I will get to you in a couple of hours, if I remember.
For the relatively new corporate hospital model this pandemic was a windfall like they never thought they would see. In one year they turned around their budgets from treading water to adding new hospital wings, extra stand alone specialty care centers and the newest in high tech equipment. How does that happen in a pandemic? So many patients stopped being allowed care or just self diagnosed and took a chance they could wait until it was “safe” to get in for tests or therapies, it made no sense. Bonuses. There was a bonus added to almost every level of “care” for a Covid patient. Positive test? Bonus Bucks! Admitted to the hospital? Bonus Bucks! Administer Veklury (remdesivir)? QUADRUPLE BONUS BUCKS (20% of the entire bill)!! Ventilator, keep that person alive, run that basic bill up for that 20% bonus PLUS the $39,000.00 average cost!! Covid on the death certificate? More Bonus Bucks! All courtesy of your tax dollars, thank you very much.
Veklury (remdesivir) was one of 4 antivirals used on Ebola but was the first one rejected because it had a 53% mortality rate due to kidney, liver and other major organ failures. Oddly enough it went into clinical testing again in December 2019, before we had a recognized pandemic, but halfway through the end point goals were changed and then abruptly the testing was called as successful before it’s expected end time and all patients were unblinded, no follow up was ever published. Even Forbes addressed it. The Strange Story Of Remdesivir, A Covid Drug That Doesn’t Work ( .
Remember when I said we would revisit vaccines? Our loved ones would likely have survived the virus if they had received early appropriate care. But 2 things come into play here, if you have legitimate therapies that save lives, no vaccine is needed or funded. More importantly, if people aren’t dying, how will you get vaccines into arms, if the body bags aren’t adding up we will never get the vaccine roll out to be successful.
In the last 20 months those vaccines have been reported to VAERS as having more direct deaths than the last 30 years of vaccine reports for all vaccines combined. Read that again. We were attacked for being anti-vaxxers, but these stats are not spoken out loud in polite society.
So, Professor Oster, let’s see who you want to ask for amnesty, you can be the judge as to how they respond to you based on what you think is a fair request and knowing that they know what I have outlined above. You can pick from the list below.
The widow that discovered from her husband’s medical records that the sores on his body were big enough to put her fist in?
The widower who is raising his children alone now, including the newborn that the hospital insisted had to be delivered immediately, early, before the wife died from kidney failure from the protocol?
The widow who discovered in her husband’s records that his nose was broken from someone ratcheting down the mask too tight?
The widow who discovered her husband’s shoulder was broken?
The wife who was in the hospital at the same time her husband was, both of whom survived, only to find out that the “health care” workers attending him didn’t sedate him enough so he remembers every insult and heavy handed, mean spirited thing they did to him, including twisting his testicles repeatedly as they shifted him in bed or cleaned him, laughing as he groaned? Pain that took almost 2 months to heal.
The widow that heard the story above on Monday night only to realize why her husband was letting her know he was in so much groin pain and she didn’t understand and couldn’t help him?
The widow who found out her husband had 17 times more Fentanyl in his body than is ever allowed in standard medical care? Whose husband also went into the hospital with a heart condition that was his actual cause for being there but was ignored because there is more money in Covid?
The father or mother of the 19-year-old high functioning Down’s Syndrome daughter (she could drive a car and play the violin) who were screaming over FaceTime to save their daughter as “health care” workers yelled back that she was DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)? Only to find out that the doctor had put that DNR into the system, without parental permission, that morning. After which she was dosed with multiple sedatives over a period of just hours until she finally coded.
The widow whose husband was yelled at by the doctor that he would ventilate him with or without his permission?
The widow who found out her husband was scheduled to be vented later in the day, who tried to get permission to see her husband before he was vented, was refused, only to find out in the medical records that he was vented without sedatives, only restrained? For a “planned” procedure.
The multiple family members that have found out that their loved ones “somehow” fell out of bed, fell while going to the bathroom, moved their masks, whatever the excuse and they went too long without oxygen, despite the multiple alarms that are set up to catch these things?
The widow that was in the Emergency Room with her husband, after being asked if he was vaccinated and the answer was no, the doctor announced to everyone in attendance “Dead Man Walking!”?
The woman who was told in the Emergency Room, “I’m sorry you are going to die”. Only to be refused a visit from her priest. Surviving only because her husband, who is a retired nurse, marched into the hospital days later with a Cease-and-Desist Order and then ended up in a 6-hour standoff with the hospital, including Sheriff’s Deputies, trying to prevent him from taking her home?
The widow who found in her husband’s medical records that he was vented for “behavioral control”?
The multiple family members who refused remdesivir for their loved ones, but they were given it anyway? Including the widow who had pictures of her husband’s arm, where she wrote in Sharpie, right on his forearm, No Remdesivir? But they all received it anyway.
Alex Stein had made no secret that his mother was given remdesivir despite his orders to NOT give it to her, for which the hospital never had any real justification. Maybe he will talk to you, I would pay to see that discussion.
How about this widow? After getting my husband’s records it became clear that the hospital had been dosing him with Lorazepam for the first 4 days but switched to Precedex for the last 3 days before they convinced him that he “needed to rest his body and organs” by letting them vent him. Precedex is used to prep patients for surgery/intubation, it is only allowed to be used for 24 hours at a time. Do you believe that a patient under that drug was able to give informed consent?
There are many out there who will sarcastically retort “If all this was true they would be suing the pants off the hospitals.” For you, I provide this information: Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act ( You are welcome to review the law as passed by Congress that says under pandemic emergencies pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, doctors, etc. are immune from suit, which is the Cliff Notes description.
To be clear, there are suits in progress, because there are cases that are so egregious in some states attorneys have found that they can address them through other laws in the states they practice in.
Your offer of “Covid Amnesty” is refused.
We begged for the lives of our loved ones and stared into the cold eyes of doctors who denied any options or cried on the phone trying to get a doctor to speak to us, we know true suffering and your olive branch means zero to us.
If you doubt that any of my family member’s stories are real, visit the Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project at You can filter the documented stories by state, name, etc. and watch the video interviews of family members who have walked through the hell created by these medieval sadists and are seeking truth and justice in their loved one’s names.
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