Over A Million Dead, Why Does The U.S. Have The Highest Body Count??
I just want to express my dismay at the almost nonchalant way the media has handled the over a million dead "due to the pandemic" as if it was just another day in the life and meet me at Starbucks. Finally there is some coverage of "died suddenly" and "vaccine injuries", which is necessary. That can NOT be allowed to disappear. The number of doctors and scientists that are bringing up the potential for a cascade of damages to people who aren't even born yet creates a frightening turn of events for our future.
But what has been allowed to disappear is the loss of life that led so many people to roll up their sleeves. Fear of dying, slowly, ventilated, with your family watching through the glass, IF they were allowed in at all, led people to do things they would never do under "normal" circumstances.
Please hear me out on this.
Anthony Fauci & Deborah Birx (yes, it is rude to NOT use their proper titles, but after the lies they have told I personally owe them nothing) told us that MILLIONS would die. That's why the country HAD to shut down to "flatten the curve". Hospitals & clinics canceled every planned procedure & treatment they could. The entire medical system switched over to pandemic care ONLY. That system was going to be overwhelmed with patients that were dying and spreading virus molecules all over the buildings.
So the PREP Act geared up & added wording to protect the hospitals & doctors from any liability for any services they provided, worded as “counter measures”, not treatments. Covering all of the drug manufacturers as well. The the CARES Act swooped in to make sure the industry didn't go broke, guaranteeing Covid Cash to the hospitals to make up for the loss of revenue they would experience from the normal day to day operations ceasing. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stepped in to help hospitals with the expected influx of dying patients, due to the overwhelming patient load, the Patient's Bill of Rights in each hospital was waived. It was normalized to leave a patient for 4-8 hours with no assistance. Hospitals were informed that they no longer needed to post the Bill of Rights in the buildings and they could drop it from the website, too. “Due to the pandemic” family members and advocates were not only refused entry to patient areas of the hospital but their formal legal medical Power of Attorney documents were dismissed, some were thrown back at them.
In some cases hospitals resorted to throwing family members and advocates not just out of the building but off the property. Either with their own security officers or calling local police to handle it.
This opened the door for atrocities on a scale never before seen in America. The neglect and abuse has been horrifying. As the stories have surfaced patients who survived have their own form of PTSD and they affirm the families' reports of abuse as well as neglect of the patients that didn't survive.
There is no one hospital or hospital system that is guilty, it is nationwide with reports from other industrialized nations that follow the guidelines that our FDA/CDC set forth having similar reports. But America had a secret weapon that Anthony Fauci arranged to make “available” to all Covid hospital patients.
It is almost like the medical staff assumed that all the patients would die, they really didn't need that much care, they wouldn't be here that long anyway. When families were finally able to see their loved ones, most were laying in their own waste, some were tied to their beds, despite being so heavily sedated they were unconscious. Call buttons hang off the wall, not anywhere near the bed, cell phones hidden in drawers, chargers missing. Survivors report they were told their families hadn't called, no one was looking for them. Recordings accidentally captured have proven that not just nurses but doctors would taunt their patients. One elderly lady was trying to reach her daughter for help because she was so thirsty when the doctor arrived. He didn't realize the voicemail was still recording as he told her if she stopped complaining he'd untie her hands and allow her some water. During this exchange he slapped her. Families have scores of photos of bloody bandages for days on end, open sores, no wound care, no mouth care, dislocated shoulders, finding that they were vented with no anesthesia, held down & force vented. As a side note, since this is not a one off case, if a patient is struggling so hard they have to be held down, how close to dangerously low oxygen can they be? And why can't we take the time to anesthetize?
EVERY patient or their family member reports that the patients were refused water and food. Multiple reasons were given, generally centered on “if we have to vent you we can't risk you throwing up”. High flow oxygen dries out the mucous membranes, these patients might as well have been in the desert.
On the subject of oxygen, most people know that if you drink too much water you can actually poison your body. Oxygen works the same way. As more cases are documented there is a disturbing trend, where medical workers are turning up the oxygen liters every few hours. Pushing the volume up, taking patients through the whole gamut of delivery systems quickly. When you get too much oxygen it weakens the body and makes the brain foggy. One survivor said after two days she was unable to get out of bed at all.
As the days wear on they are getting weaker, but they are also sedated, Lorazepam, Precedex, Midazolam, Dilaudid, Propofol...some were getting what are typically considered psychiatric drugs like Haldol or pain medications like Morphine. Keep in mind that the sedation drugs also suppress respiration. The insert on Precedex warns that if you use if for more than 24 hours it can cause Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Interestingly that made it onto many death certificates.
So what was being done to treat the virus or it's symptoms? Generally Dexamethasone, standard dose 6 mg, technically a pediatric dose, it doesn't matter what the patient’s weight, sex, race, co-morbidities are, that is the dose. Some of the doctors who have bucked the system argue that this is the wrong drug, at the wrong dose for the wrong length of time. Their preference is Methylprednisolone, based on it's actions within the lungs. They also contend that closely spaced treatments of inhaled Budesonide (inhaled steroid) would reduce lung inflammation.
Every patient tells the story of being badgered to approve a Do Not Resuscitate order “because you are going to die anyway” and to approve in advance use of the ventilator. Daily, multiple times a day, a constant barrage with reminders that “I will be sitting in the middle of your chest doing compressions, do you really want your family to see that”?
The other thing you MUST have? Remdesivir. This country had plenty of it, Anthony Fauci made sure to order everything Gilead would sell to the U.S. during the summer of 2020, after announcing on April 29th, 2020 that it would become the “standard of care”. Let's explore this a little.
In 2018 when Ebola broke out in Africa, Dr. Fauci took his team there and they took four antiviral drugs. Remdesivir was removed from what is known as the “Ebola Trials” very shortly, because 53.1% of the patients it was used on died. Consistently, from kidney and liver failure, causing the other organs to fail and generally ending in heart failure. Dr. Paul Marik, January of 2022, testified at a hearing with Senator Ron Johnson that the mortality rate is closer to “20 fold”. For some odd reason there was a study of Remdesivir done in mid to late November 2019 that ended by mid December 2019 of Remdesivir. Dr. Fauci even mentioned it during is April 2020 announcement. Despite the study having the end point goal changed mid way through the study, then ending it early and un-blinding the patients and not following up to verify long term health. Why was that particular drug being studied, again, before Covid was actually on the radar? How can you study the effectiveness & safety of that drug, on that virus, if that virus hasn't been announced? I am sure there are more questions than answers. Everyone ignored the fact that even the W.H.O. issued a directive in November of 2020 stating that Remdesivir should NOT be used in the treatment of Covid-19.
Remdesivir earned an Emergency Use Authorization preferably paired with another drug, Baricitinib, which also came with Black Box warnings and an EUA. Generally there would be other EUA drugs thrown at patients, but those two are considered the drugs of preference for in hospital care.
One of the things that haunts the families of the dead is that there was NOTHING that they could do to save their loved one. IF you could get a doctor on the phone, refuse the EUA drugs, beg for other options, including high dose IV vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, antihistamines (Dr. Shankara Chetty, in Africa had a great response with those), obviously Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were all off the table. Most families heard “He's not a horse, I won't be treating him with veterinary drugs”! “Stop reading conspiracy posts on the internet”! The canned answer to EVERY request was “It's not in the protocol”. What we didn't understand is that meant, “if I use that the hospital won't get the bonuses, then I will be reprimanded, maybe loose my hospital privileges or even my license”.
Yes, the government has been and continues to pay hospitals for certain procedures and treatments under Covid “protocols”. Remember, the hospital was going to loose business so this would help protect them from going broke. Once the Covid diagnosis was entered into the computer, the computer spits out a list of potential treatments. Each one has it's own code, each code has it's own percentage, based on the state the hospital is located in.
Positive Covid test, bonus. Hospital admittance, non-complex (not ICU), bonus. Hospital admittance, complex (ICU), bigger bonus. Sedatives, bonus. Remdesivir, 20% bonus of the entire bill (venting might keep them alive longer). Ventilator, bonus. Covid on the death certificate, bonus.
CMS had calculated the cost of their outlay to each state historically, using those base figures they extrapolated the loss of non Covid patients coming into the hospitals. Some feel that they also took into account the investment of these expenditures into account at today's costs vs. the cost of those patients over the next 10-20 years. After all Medicare and Medicaid account for more than 30% of the overall Federal budget.
Some state percentages were much more than others, in TN where my husband was tortured and murdered his bonus value was $166,000, approximately, depending on how many codes they applied, since I am still researching. In some states a person who ticks all the boxes can be worth half a million dollars to a hospital.
So the patient, heavily sedated, kidneys failing, vented, bloated with their own poisonous fluids, gets dialysis which the body is too unstable to compensate for. Eventually their system gives up and crashes. Sometimes, like with my husband, there is something additional added to the sedation mix in the last hours. That is not hyperbole. That is a fact.
Every patient gets at least one bacterial infection, almost always from the ventilator. One of the side effects of Baricitinib is susceptibility to bacterial infections. Depending on the level of care they might get treated for it, but in many cases we see they get delayed or ignored. Eventually this patient needs to leave, we need the bed. One family member had a doctor across the bed from her, as she begged for medications. The doctor took out a piece of paper and wrote on it, then held it up for her. He wrote the number “26” on it. She was baffled and said “I don't understand what do you mean”? He said, “he's been here 26 days, it's time for him to go, we need this bed”. Then he left the room.
Most of the time patients enter the hospital to die either alone or they only hear their loved ones voices after they are sedated and paralyzed while vented. It has come to light that many medical professionals, particularly during 2020 preferred venting patients because it's a closed air system. It's almost impossible to spread the virus if the patient isn't exhaling into the room. So yes those patients were sacrificed for the safety of other patients and medical personnel.
Now for the most evil part of the scenario, as if the rest wasn't bad enough.
IF Remdesivir worked, (without kidney damage) the drug is supposed to attack the replicating virus cell within the body, gobble them up and stop them. But Remdesivir is only allowed for use in hospitals, because it's an infusion, at least one each day for five days. BUT, patients don't ever get Remdesivir during the replication phase. Covid, like every other coronavirus multiplies for approximately 8 days. Like some spring insect, it's done breeding. Patients are ALWAYS sent home when their symptoms are mild and told to drink plenty of fluids and go to the ER if you can't breathe.
On day 8 or in that window, about the time replication is complete, if you are one of the unlucky ones, your body goes into a full inflammation mode, called a cytokine storm. Very similar to an allergic reaction your lungs blow up with inflammation and can't transfer oxygen. Now you have totally missed the opportunity for Remdesivir (if it wasn't deadly and actually worked) to do it's job, yet they dose you with it anyway.
To add insult to injury, instead of throwing the kitchen sink at the inflammation, the medical “professionals” are giving you pediatric doses of steroids that your lungs don't “like” and refusing every other alternative except sedatives because you are “anxious”.
In late 2021 or very early 2022 Dr. Robert Malone said that at least 500,000 Covid patients could have been saved with early treatment. In March 2022 Dr. Pierre Kory stated that at least 800,000 could have been saved with Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin with early intervention. In April of 2022 Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote an article that is posted on the NIH website that states that between 640,000 and 800,000 could have been saved with early treatment. In mid summer 2022 Dr. Paul Marik said 800,000 could have been saved with early treatment. Dr. Peter McCullough has maintained that 85% could have been saved, had they received early treatment and never been touched by the protocols.
If these men are correct, what is the actual potential mortality rate of Covid-19? How many of our loved ones were sacrificed? Does this mean that American hospitals are turning to euthanasia like British and Canadian hospitals and we just got introduced to it like ripping off a band-aid? Will Americans ever understand that as many as 800,000 (or more) of their country men and women were murdered in hospitals, which were paid with our tax dollars? If this happened in another country it would be decried as democide. But if we can't acknowledge the atrocities in China with the treatment of the Uighurs and actually sanction them for it, how can we expect anyone in America to recognize what has happened?
Still, American media whistles past all of their graves.