Celebrating the Memories of the Victims of the American Covid Democide
You are invited!!!
When: May 31- June 1, 2024 * Where: Houston, TX
On March 25, 2023 the first Halt Hospital Homicide Rally was held in San Antonio, TX. Over 500 people attended, ALL of them are the loved ones of the victims of the Covid #CrimesAgainstHumanity. Some of them were survivors of the torture. They all describe that trip as uplifting, hopeful, bittersweet and energizing. To meet so many of the people who they had either seen on computer screens or chatted in online messaging or social media with was like meeting cousins you had never hugged before.
That event was streamed live and all of the speeches are broken down by person, since it was an over 9 hour day of heavy emotion. All of the videos can be found on Rumble, on the Halt Hospital Homicides channel at https://rumble.com/c/c-2647470. From the march that started at the Alamo and went to the venue to the reading of all of the victims that were in the Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project data base at that time. Those numbers have more than doubled now.
All the information about the 2024 Rally itself can be found at: halthospitalhomicide.com.
Briefly, on Friday, May 31, there is a mixer and dinner at 5 pm, with a Speaker Panel & eyewitness testimony. That is $25.
Beginning at 9 am the following morning there will be a full day of speakers, your $25 covers your box lunch and a swag bag.
The current speaker line up is: Emcee – Pete Santilli, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, Dr. Ben Marble, Dr. Stephen Guffanti, Dr. John Witcher, Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD, Dr. Mary Talley-Bowden, Attorneys, Brad Geyer, Warner Mendenhall, Dan Watkins, Jamie Scher, Stanford Graham, writer Stella Paul, researcher/statistician John Beaudoin, Sr., Kimberly Overton, RN & if his schedule allows, John Davidson, filmmaker. Featuring a sneak peak of the new Mikki Willis film, “Bad Medicine”.
There will be space for vendors if you or someone you know wants to participate in that way. If you know someone that wants to just donate either to the rally itself or to financially help a victim attend those inquiries can be done here: email@halthospitalhomicide.com or call 713-540-6332.
The festivities will be held at the Nathaniel Center, thenathanielcenter.com, a large venue that specializes in big events and is very near the airport.
Once you have purchased your tickets for the event, you will receive information regarding nearby hotels. At last year's event many people bunked with other people from this newly found family, it really helped spread the money a lot farther! Particularly since so many people are struggling, after losing their loved one's support and the economy being so tight.
Driving won't be cheaper, but if you choose to network with other people in between you and your destination you might be able to stretch those dollars. Sometimes they are in your state, sometimes they are in an “in-between” state.
If you are planning to fly, the closest airport is IAH, https://www.airport-houston.com/. There is no shuttle available to the hotel, however taxis & rentals are available as always. Approximate drive time from airport to hotel is 18-20 minutes.
If you want to make a statement by what you wear to the event or during the event there are 2 options, both of these folks I have purchased from, both supply excellent products and quality work. Both have reasonable prices.
For the 2023 Rally one of our widows (Ja Mu-Ha) created and sold t-shirts in matching colors so all participants were plainly with a group. She is offering these again, each shirt has a photo of your loved one on the front with the logo for this year's event on the back. Remember to order early, you have to take shipping time into account. You can see samples and place an order here: https://two-crazy-crafty-chicks-with-janet-and-mary.myshopify.com/collections/c19-march-rally .
Our friend Gail, also supplies t-shirts and other interesting custom items and many of them are directed to the families of Covid protocol loss. Gail is a survivor of the hospital protocols, ALMOST a victim of the serial killers she says. In order to help fund the Halt Hospital Homicide Rally she is offering a 10% discount on all products on the site plus they will donate 10% to the Rally thru June 15th. Shop at TakeAStandMerch.net and use Promo Code: HHHRALLY24.
Please spread the word. There are grieving people in America that know that “something” was wrong in the hospital. They have probably told their remaining loved ones, in many cases those family members dismiss them as crazy and tell them to get on with their lives. Because “doctors wouldn't kill their patients”. I am here to tell you, they will if they are told to “do what the government told you to do or I will let you go, there are plenty of people out there that will take your place”.
Their actions had horrific consequences, the Halt Hospital Homicide Rally 2024 may be the beginning of the healing. Share this information, please.
Halt Hospital Homicide - halthospitalhomicide.com - @HHHRally (X)
FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation - formerfedsgroup.org - @FormerFeds (X)
Covid-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project - chbmp.org - @CHBMPorg (X)
Thanks for organizing this. I'll try to get it a little more attention:
I wish I could be there!! Thank you for doing this!