Welcome to the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation Newsletter, a newsletter about our fight for medical freedom and our ongoing effort to preserve the record of the numerous crimes against humanity that are taking place across this nation and the world right now.
Over the last two years, we have seen rights once believed to be inalienable stripped from law-abiding citizens of Western nations. Under the premise of “protecting the public health,” authorities undermined our legal protections, limited our freedom of movement, and attempted to mandate experimental therapies upon the entire world. They have forcibly separated families, forcibly segregated people based on medical status, and forcibly isolated the elderly, the infirm, and anyone unfortunate enough to require hospitalization or institutionalization. They shuttered small businesses and allowed big box retailers to remain open, facilitating the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.
The consequences of this approach are only now beginning to be felt. Economies in ruins, civil unrest rearing its head across the world, and families struggling just to keep their heads above water. Airlines postponing flights by the dozen for lack of staff they’ve laid off for refusal to participate in a dubious medical experiment. And “mysterious illnesses” causing people to drop in their tracks at an increasingly alarming rate.
The unseen victims of the disastrous policies of the last two and a half years are those our organization has chosen to focus on at this time - those who have endured direct and terrible harms as a result of COVID policies. Since beginning to archive cases late last year, we have documented almost two hundred cases of severe and reprehensible hospital misconduct, murder by way of the FDA Death Protocol with remdesivir, vaccine injury or death, and stories of those harmed or murdered as a direct result of COVID-related mandates. Two hundred cases, and so many more to document that we can barely keep up with them all. And this is without any advertising or marketing of any kind - these people are mostly finding us by way of mouth. We shudder to imagine how many more cases are going unreported, and how many more will never be heard.
The victims and families of the victims we have interviewed want two things, above all else: they want justice for their loved ones, and they want their story to be heard, so that their sacrifice will not have been made in vain. They want accountability—not just for those who have harmed them or their loved ones—but for those who issued the edicts that drove the policies that fostered these harms. Mostly, they just want this long nightmare to finally end.
Until no one is forcibly isolated in hospitals and nursing homes, until EUA drugs like remdesivir and experimental gene therapies are no longer incentivized and mandated, until every human being is safe and secure in their expectation that they will be treated with basic human dignity if they are hospitalized or entrusted to the case of an assisted living facility, these victims will not rest, and we will continue to act as their champion.
Bringing awareness to these acts of crimes against humanity is our primary objective right now. If you might know someone who has been harmed by COVID policies, please tell them about our COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project or get in touch with us today.
We are also offering a CHBMP site to anyone who would like to take on the responsibility of interviewing victims and documenting cases under their own organization and domain. Use our intake system that we’ve refined over many interviews and help document crimes against humanity in your own time, without having to know any code. Email chelsea@chbmp.org to get started.
If you would like to stay on top of current developments related to this fight, please subscribe to this newsletter. We are just getting warmed up.